World Bamboo Day

World Bamboo Day

About World Bamboo Day

World Bamboo Day is a day of celebration to increase the awareness of bamboo globally. Where bamboo grows naturally, bamboo has been a daily element, but its utilization has not always been sustainable due to exploitation. The World Bamboo Organization aims to bring the potential of bamboo to a more elevated exposure – to protect natural resources and the environment, to ensure sustainable utilization, to promote new cultivation of bamboo for new industries in regions around the world, as well as promote traditional uses locally for community economic development.

About the First World Bamboo Day

World Bamboo Day 2009
World Bamboo Day was declared by the Thai Royal Forest Department on 18 September in Bangkok, during the 8thWorld Bamboo Congress held at the Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel. This declaration is an effort to increase the awareness of bamboo globally.  Where bamboo grows naturally, bamboo has been a daily element, but its utilization has not always been sustainable due to exploitation. The World Bamboo Organization wants to bring the potential of bamboo to a more elevated exposure – to protect natural resources and the environment, to ensure sustainable utilization, to promote new cultivation of bamboo for new industries, as well as promote traditional uses locally and for community economic development.
The 8th World Bamboo Congress in Thailand was attended by over 350 participants from over 41 countries.
To celebrate World Bamboo Day, a ceremonial bamboo planting took place nearby Bangkok where a representative from each country had the honor to plant a bamboo seedling as a symbolic gesture of our mission.  The bamboo plants, grown and provided by the Royal Forest Department, were planted in Prachin Buri at the Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Centre.
Next year, and every year, we hope you will remember bamboo on World Bamboo Day, 18 September, and do something good for the Earth.  Plant a bamboo!  Talk bamboo!  Build with bamboo!  Sing with bamboo!  Wear bamboo! Eat bamboo!  Feed bamboo!  Breathe bamboo!  Walk among the bamboo, and feel good.